Keeping websites secure is an ongoing job. Despite the fact that in recent years, many providers of content management systems have improved security by implementing automatic updates, web servers running outdated software can leave website visitors at risk. If you aren’t careful, it can be like leaving a window open in your home while you’re away; criminals, in this case the cyber kind, climb in and take whatever they want from you and your visitors.
Not only can these vulnerabilities be used to infiltrate your organization, they can also allow cyber criminals to host malware on your site, infecting all of your website customers and visitors.
Website managers must maintain the integrity of their SSL/TLS implementations.
Like all software, plugins—whether for browsers or servers—are vulnerable to security flaws and should be updated regularly; avoid out-of-date versions.
Growing plugin vulnerabilities in 2015—most of which were related to Adobe Flash Player—indicate that attackers seek to exploit cross-platform and/or ubiquitous plugins.
When websites are vulnerable, criminals can lie in wait and attack users as they visit a site they believe is safe. Vulnerable browsers make it easy for attackers to infect users when they visit these websites.